Saturday, February 16, 2008

"His to Lose" The Economist

The second article from The Economist...


The article states, "Mr. Obama's message of 'change' and 'hope' is becoming a little tiresome".  Why might I ask, if Obama's "Change We Can Believe In" is getting old, is Hillary Clinton joining on the change bandwagon?  Obviously, the country is not tired of hope and change, the country is embracing it.

Important points:

The article overall does a good job outline the Hillary Clinton campaign's downfall following Super Tuesday... 
- Losing 8 out of 8 primaries / caucuses
- Obama taking Hillary's base of whites, women, Latinos, and people over 65
- Her failure to campaign adequately in any of these 8 states
- Her quick withdrawal from Wisconsin
- The changes in the structure of her campaign staff
- Giving $5 million to her own campaign

The most salient point was that all of the crises that have been hitting the Clinton campaign following Super Tuesday "undermines her claim to be a CEO-type figure who will be ready to run the country on day one".  Obama on the other hand "has run a steadier campaign.  He has consistently out-organized and out-planned his rival".

Finally, the most important point... "If Mr. Obama can prevent Mrs. Clinton from winning the triple [Ohio, Texas, and Pennsylvania], then no amout of arm-twisting of superdelegates will save her campaign".  All Obama has left to do is take one of the three firewall states from Clinton.  It is going to be tough, but this campaign has been fighting against the odds since it began.  Change can happen.  Change will happen.

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