Saturday, April 26, 2008

Be Forewarned...

Ahh two finals and one massive paper... only two weeks left!!!!

I'm sorry, but there will be very little blogging done in the next couple of weeks.  Sorry, school has to come first (well really Obama does, but then it's school, so I apologize).

To stay entertained, check out my new OBSESSION:  BU's Dear Abbeys

Watch the videos, listen to the music, and check out the webpage.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Carter, Reid, Gingrich, and Dean

Where will all of these influential and powerful men in politics be in the next few weeks?

Thats right, The Daily Show!

Mark your calendars!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Wish I Was In Philly

Grades first :( 

But I really wish I was back in Philly with my fellow Springterns, field organizers, and SJU students.

Check out video from what happened after Obama's rally in Philly on Friday

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Debate Reax

So much reading to do, so little time to write.

I'm going to outsource.

To get a general overview of the debate, if you missed it, check out this video:

To get a bloggers reactions, check out Andrew one and two

For Obama fan reactions, check out one and two

For a funnier take, some more video:

And for my opinion:

I'll just put it this way.  Once upon a time, I was a big fan of American Idol.  Since that point in time, I've just begun to watch the last 2 or 3 shows, when the people are actually good.  During this debate, I switch over midway to watch the American Idol results show- with 7 people left on the show.

Plain in simple: that so-called debate, was terrible

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008


More obsessions.  I guess music is the best way to escape the world.

Monday, April 7, 2008

College Vote in Pennsylvania

Check out what Politico has said about Obama and the PA College Vote.

I know it might be just me saying this, but maybe they could be wrong.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Obsession

The Beatles have really defined generation after generation.

My parents listened to the, my grandparents listened to them, and me and my siblings listen to them.

Obsession: "Blackbird"

So beautiful and so meaningful.

Friday, April 4, 2008

McCain and Lobbyists

Ok so we all know the lobbyists have the politicians in their pockets.

But what about this?  That's a little too close for comfort for me at least.

(H/T Alex)

40 Years Ago

40 years ago today, it was 1968.  I wasn't born and my parents were young children.  1968.  Seems like ages ago to an 18 year old, but so much has changed since then.

If you don't know enough about me to realize why this week and today in particular are so important, then you probably also do not realize that it was today, 40 years ago, that Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.

Martin Luther King Jr. changed our country through peaceful protests and grassroots organizing.  He realized that he and many American people had a dream- a dream where everyone would be treated like equals.

It is because of people like Martin Luther King Jr. that era of segregation that plagued our country ended.  We still have a long way to go, but huge strides have been made in equality.

For me and for my kids and my grandkids, I want America and the world to come to a point where people can walk down the street and not be scared about seeing a black man standing on the corner or make jokes about those "damn illegals" every time one sees an Hispanic man.  I want people to realize that race, ethnicity, sex, or preference should not be a divider any long.  I want America to see other people in the world as just like them, striving for similar goals rather than the poor Africans, the crazy Arabs, and the communist Chinese.  I want Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream to be fully realized- that we will come to a point where everyone sees everyone else as an equal and as a friend.

To check out what my other '68 Favorite (RFK) had to say in response to MLK's death, check out this post, speech, and video from Alex.


I wish I had that kind of money.

The Clinton's release their tax returns.

Check out PDFs complied by The Page from

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Who's going to win?  What do the candidates have to do?  A map brought to you by Time's The Page.

Obama Spanish-Language Ad

It really is too bad  I don't know Spanish.

McCain at 3 AM

Good news for McCain:

A new poll shows that John McCain is the candidate best qualified to answer when that red phone rings at 3 AM - because he would be up anyway trying to pee.

Haha!  Thanks Mr. Molloy

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Want to Help OFA in PA?

I do!  I do!

Unfortunately, I have school and therefore will be in Boston, working only virtually through phone banks.  If you are at all interested, please contact OFA.  I had a great time over Spring Break in Philly and GOTV in New Hampshire was quite an experience.

An Email Sent to me from Obama for America:

Dear Amy,

In the past few weeks, thousands of people from all across the country have traveled to Pennsylvania to help grow our movement.

Thanks to supporters like you, we registered tens of thousands of new Democrats and built a base of support that will help Barack in the primary on April 22nd.

Now we need to make sure all these new voices are heard.

Sign up to take a trip to Pennsylvania and help Get Out The Vote for Barack:

Our campaign has always relied on grassroots supporters to build our movement and spread the word about Barack Obama.

The steps that we're taking right now will help us do more than win an election -- they will empower ordinary Americans to join with their friends, family, and neighbors in believing that together we can make a difference.

No prior political experience is necessary. All you need is a hunger for change and a willingness to turn your enthusiasm into action.

Make a difference right away for Barack in Pennsylvania:

Thank you for your continued support,


Angela Botticella
Pennsylvania Deputy Field Director
Obama for America

How to be President

Want to know the way to be President?  Check out how Obama answered the question as reported from First Read:

At a town hall today, a second-grader asked Obama how exactly one gets the opportunity to run for president.

"Here's what you gotta do," the presidential hopeful told the boy, boiling the process down to few simple steps.

1. "You have to work really hard in school and get really good grades."
2. "Who is this your grandma?" Obama asked the boy. "You have to do everything that grandma tells you to do."
3. "When you get out of school, then you gotta go to college."
4. "After you go to college, you have to hopefully find a job that's helping other people, so that people appreciate that you're helping them, and they'll say that Michael will make a good president some day."

"If you do all those things, then you just might be a president some day," Obama told young Michael. 

(H/T: Alex)

Delegate Update

Obama wins Texas: 99-94
Obama picks up one more delegate in Mississippi, Hillary loses one: 20-13

Look for some North Carolina superdels to come out later in the week according to The Page