Friday, January 25, 2008

Fact Check Time

If you thought that the Democratic debate on Monday was full of cat-fighting and name calling, you're not alone.  But how much truth was in those attacks that the candidates were making against each other?  These are the things I wish the average American voter would see on a regular basis.

Being a political science, history, and general politics freak, I spend most of my free time watching the news, reading blogs, listening to news podcasts (CNN Politics Daily is 15 minutes of pure amazing-ness!), and reading articles online.  For these reasons, I often feel like I know more than the average voter about the "games" being played in the political arena as politicians try to distort each other's records in order to come off as the better candidate.

Every person whose door I walk up to and who I talk to one the phone is sure at one point or another to ask me a question about the recent "he said she said" on the campaign trail.  This is why factcheck needs to come out into the news circuits and out to the average people.  It is time for politicians to cut the crap and just say the truth.  Oh well, I guess only in a perfect world..., but at least for know we have factcheck, the media, and bloggers to work out all of the inconsistencies and pure lies on the campaign trail.

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