Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jesus Camp on the National Stage

Mike Huckabee- We need to amend the constitution to bring it in line with God.

Holy Crap.  If Huckabee gets the Republican nomination and then gets elected, not only will the Republican party become the party of the Christian Right thereby faulting it out of winning any Presidential election ever again and dying out like other major parties- the Whigs and the Federalists, but I am going directly into politics - screw law school, screw finishing college - send me to D.C. to fight against "bringing our constitution in line with God".

This is AMERICA MR. HUCKABEE!  AMERICA!  I don't know what you or Mike Huckabee believes America means, but aside from other aspects of what I believe America is, America to me is a place where everyone is accepted and given equal opportunity to succeed regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or religious belief.

By amending the constitution to make it in line with God, Huckabee is effectively saying that America is a nation based on the evangelical Christian faith instead of oh, that little part of the Constitution declaring freedom of religion.  Damn that constitution, I guess Huckabee will just have to change the 1st Amendment.

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