Thursday, March 27, 2008


Books I want to read and want you to check out too...

Borrowed Time by: Paul Monette- just finished, it was great!
Rules for Radicals by: Saul Alinksy- I'm supposed to learn a lot from this one and write a thesis on it
Blink by: Malcolm Gladwell
Tipping Point by: Malcolm Gladwel
Divided America by: Earl and Merle Black- I've had this one for almost a year and have yet to read it!
Statecraft by: Dennis Ross- from Mrs. Niland last summer
Dreams from My Father by: Barack Obama- Can you believe I haven't read this one yet?
The Audacity of Hope by: Barack Obama- Yes, I have read this one, I just need to finish reading it through the second time.  Want to know my ideas on politics- check out this book!

This is what I'll be doing (along with school work) for the next couple of weeks!

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