Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I know I said I was going to bed but first...

It is safe to say that I am hooked.

I'm hooked on the Obama train, willing to do anything in my power to get him elected.

I never thought that my love of that DNC speaker in 2004 would turn into the passion that I have for Barack Obama today and the passion that I have for the policies and the change and hope that he talks about.

Step 1: Hear DNC speech- Summer 2004
Step 2: Decide to take AP Government- Spring 2006
Step 3: Work with Joe Courtney for Congress- Fall 2006
Step 4: Stay up until 3am waiting for Midterm Election results- November 2006
Step 5: Apply to college as a Political Science major- November 2006
Step 6: Spend a week in Washington, learning the ropes and stalking politicians- March 2007
Step 7: Come to college and join BU for Barack- September 2007
Step 8: Canvass for Barack Obama in Manchester, NH- September 2007
Step 9: Do visibility for Barack Obama in Hanover, NH- September 2007
Step 10: Hear John Kerry speak about the 2008 Election- November 2007
Step 11: Apply for an Obama for America Winternship- November 2007
Step 12: Vote in my first ever election- November 2007
Step 13: See Barack Obama speak live for the first time- December 2007
Step 14: Intern for the Barack Obama campaign in Nashua, MA- January 2008
Step 14: Attend the 100 Club Dinner and see all  Democratic candidates speak- January 2008
Step 15: Intern for the Barack Obama campaign in Boston, MA- January 2008
Step 16: Send in my first political donation- January 2008
Step 17: Send in my absentee ballot for the Democratic primary- January 2008
Step 18: See Barack Obama speak at a rally with John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, and Deval Patrick- February 2008
Step 19: Watch February 5th results role in- February 2008
Step 20: Stand up for CHANGE!  Stand up for AMERICA!  Stand up for HOPE!- Today


Step 21: Organize (with Steph) BU for Barack phone banks for upcoming primaries- This week
Step 22: Phone bank for Barack Obama- Next 3 months
Step 23: Spend my spring break volunteering for the Barack Obama campaign- March

This is my life now.  Yeah, school is important.  Yeah, my other extracurricular activities are important.  But I want to change the face of American politics.  It is time for a new generation to take over.  I want my voice to be heard and I want the best man to be elected- BARACK OBAMA!

The intensity of the campaign that has ruled my life for over a month now is calming in the fact that I know that somehow I am making a difference.  You can too- check out to find out ways to participate in phone banks and canvasses in you area.

It is time for America to enter into a new era to politics- I want to be a part of that, I want to change America.


(and don't tell my mom that I think that campaign for Obama is more important than my school work- or if you do, just tell her that even though Obama is #1 in my life right now, my work is still getting done and I am still striving to get very good grades)

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