Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bill Richardson

One thing I noticed during my endless canvasses and phone calls in the Nashua area over the past week- people love Bill Richardson.  Yet, he still finished 4th in New Hampshire, like he did in Iowa.

Bill Richardson has the most experience out of all of the Democratic contenders- Sec. of Energy, role as negotiator, Ambassador to the UN, Congressman, and Governor.  In a Democratic race where people like Clinton have been saying that experience is necessary, Bill Richardson should be the one to win, right?

Well after two 4th place finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, the Richardson is withdrawing from the race.

Now the question is, where will Richardson's supporters go?  Obama or Clinton?  Of course, my hope is that they will support Obama- a candidate for change, similar to the positions that Richardson was beginning to lean towards.  Maybe, when Richardson formally announces his withdrawal, he will tell is supporters to go towards a certain candidate- we'll see tomorrow.

Thank you Bill Richardson for running.  It is just too bad that the American people never quite saw how qualified you were as a candidate.  I believe that you would make an amazing Sec. of State in the next Democratic administration. 

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