Sunday, January 20, 2008


Often while talking to my friends- the ones who are actually voting, most of them question me on my strong support of Barack Obama.

"Amy", they say, "How can you support Barack Obama? I mean I know he has good positions and his 'Change We Can Believe In' is great, but I don't think he has enough experience to be President".

Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama.  The fight is on about what she claims is his lack of experience.  Well, if you are still undecided as Super Tuesday approaches, take a look at this Op-Ed from Nicholas Kristof.

Maybe, in this campaign and in future elections, experience is not what the American people should be looking at while deciding who is qualified to be the next President.

But then again, maybe it is, and as Kristof puts it, Dick Cheney should just be our next President...

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