Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's time for my comment...

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Big Elephant in the Room.  Not, that's not any of  the Republicans.  RACE.

People it is 2008, decades after the Civil Rights Era featuring my personal hero the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..  Yet, in a Presidential nomination race that is groundbreaking- a woman, an African-America, an Hispanic (well, up until last week), new voters, students actually voting, and a possible realignment- race is the issue that is dominating.

I will not go into grand detail about comments made by the Clinton campaign, but let me just say that Clinton's statement that MLK would have been nothing with out LBJ was totally uncalled for and without a historical basis to back it up.

That being said, the recent discussions that this race issue has caused brings me to one main point.  In politics, especially in a primary season like this one that is so incredibly close, every move is calculated and every word is tested.  What a candidate says and does needs to be analyzed from the point of view where the analyzer realizes that everything in politics is calculated.  Hillary Clinton's campaign made racially charged comments that were meant to be racially charged.  Think about it people.

It is nice that these two candidates have declared a truce, so Tim and Brian, stop bringing it up in the debate right now.  Move onto issues that really matter, rather than he said - she said.

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